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The Wilson W. Sorensen Society

The Wilson W. Sorensen Society is named after Wilson Woodruff Sorensen, who was the president of Utah Technical College from 1946-1982. He was a strong advocate in providing career options to students by educating them in a trade, as well as in creating a footprint in the community. During his presidency, he was instrumental in expanding the school's enrollment from 1,000 to over 5,500 students as the school transitioned into Utah Technical College, a state-run institution, and relocated to its current location. The expansion vision Sorensen extoled continued in the hands of others as the college successfully evolved into Utah Valley University, now the largest public school in the state.

UVU continues Sorensen's aspirations to progress in size and offerings in order to effectively and continuously transition to meet the current economic demands of the community. Much of this success is due to the many generous donations of community members and UVU Alumni. The UVU Foundation has used donated funds to increase UVU's endowment, offer scholarships, purchase equipment and resources, and increase learning spaces, to name a few. These funds allow the university to manage the voluminous needs created by the demand of expansion that has been placed on UVU due to expanded enrollment, while continuing to offer its students the quality education it has always been known for.

Members of the Wilson W. Sorensen Society are honored donors who have made a planned gift with the university and are recognized for their generosity during their lifetime. These gifts, once they mature, are used in the manner designated by the donors in the areas of the University about which the donors are passionate. Gifts include charitable reminder trusts, lead trusts, annuity trusts, bequests, IRA rollovers and other gift vehicles. The Society currently has more than 200 established gifts from people who have generously contributed to the University utilizing one of these philanthropic formats.

Jean A. & Dean S.* Allan
Herbert M* & Martha W* Allan
Susan P. & Gary D. Allen
Darwin C. and Dixie Allred
N Grandon* & Lanora* Allred
Roy J. & Alice R. Andersen
William J. & Norma T.* Anderson
Gale B.* & Margaret U.* Armstrong
Gary D. & Dorothy R. Astill
Scott J. & Norma Aston
Dal Von Atkinson*
Joann W. & David E. Baria
John R.* & Iris D.* Bench
Sterling E.* & Donna T. Bench
R. Ralph* & Lindalie A. Benson
H. Ross* & Jacqueline B.* Berrett
Roger D. Bjarnson
Kenneth E. & Jennifer Boehme
Margaret Boehme*
Opal M. Bowen-Brackett* & Freeman C. Brackett
Terry E. & JoAnne P. Bowns
Leslie H.* & Alma R. Boyce
Dennis H. & Libby L.* Brown
C. Victor & Eileen D.* Bunderson
Cathy W. & Milton R. Burbidge
Mary Kaye & Kim B. Campbell
Jim J. & Jacky H. Caras
Wayne & Loraine E. Carlton
Neil V.* & Donna M.* Chappell
Neil T. & Regina S. Child
Charles R.* & Marilyn C.* Christensen
Phyllis D.* & Garold H.* Christensen
E. Vernon* & Jerry L Christopherson
Darrel L. Clegg*
Leroy L. & Wanda J.* Condit
Roger C. & Gwen J. Connors
Bernell W.* & Anne A.* Coons
Peter F. & Eva E. Cowan
Susan Ila Cracraft*
Gaius P. & Susan A. Crosby
Donna B. Crouch*
Victor L.* & Madge M.* Davies
Richard E. & Ruth W. Davis
Russell W.* & Mary* Desserich
Delbert R.& Janeen Y. Dimick
Flora M. Duncan*
Guy C.* & Glenda C.* Edwards
Norman L.* & Zenda Edwards*
Grant H.* & Pauline C.* Elliott
Willard G. & LaVon L. Erickson
Wayne K.* & DeAnn A. Ethington
Rick & Toni Farr
Scott L. Featherstone
Harvey R.* & Gwen K.* Fitzgerald
Gregory C.* & Catherine K. Forte
Rulon K.* & Kenna B. Frazier
Miles F.* & Helga I. Friedman
Donald S.* & A Joyce* Fujino
Hal P.* & Marie Gadd
David M. & Nancy M. Gardner
Leland Gappmayer*
Stephen W. & Bette M. Gibson
James C. & Pamela D. Gilbert
Nadine F. Gillmor*
Lyle B.* & Annette J. Gomm
Christine W Greening (Cooper)
Orville C.* & Betha* Gunther
William P.* & Valene* Hales
E. Thomas & Coleen S. Hall
Bruce J. & Deanna Hammond
Susanne H. Hammond
David K. & Laura T. Harmon
David J. & Mary Harris
Alene Harrison
Henrietta K. Herwig*
Joseph F. & Judy P.* Hill
Lynn M. & Hope A.* Hilton
Brent W. & Judy K. Hoge
Jack B. Holmstrom*
Nora S.* & Joseph D. Hopkins
G. Jack* & Joye R.* Hopkinson
David A.* & Marilyn* Hughes
RoniLynn & Douglas H.* Jenkins
Newell A.* & Joy A.* Johnson
David S.* & Ruby K. Jones
Harold B.* & Fay K.* Jones
Elaine Drushell Jones*
Jens J.* & Helen B.* Jonsson
Thomas E.* & MaryLu E.* Judd
Jeffrey & Charleen Kahn
Edward E.* & Kathryn H. Kammeyer*
Kenneth T. & Marianne D. Kartchner
Keith R.* Mabel A.* Kelson
O. James & Karen S. Klein
Lew & Marilyn Kofford
Ralph E.* & Maxine W.* Kroescher
Susan B. & Jon P. Lee
Lambert H. & Marilyn A. Lewis
Robert W.* & Bonnie C.* Lewis
Raymond T. & DeAnna D. Lloyd
Richard D.* & JoAnn B. Losee
Kathryn Luke
Dr. Denis A. & Diane R. Lyman
Ilene B. & Dee L. Madsen
Mahogany Mountain
Grant L. & Alice N.* Malquist
David C.* & Maideen W. Mason
Arvin R. & Urla Jeane* Maxfield
Douglas A.* & Barbara A. McConochie
Dean M.* & Alene R.* McDonald
Virginia L. McGirl*
James R. & Linda J. McKee
Bonnie Meldrum
Melvin Z. & Muriel S. Meredith
Bruce B. & Karen H. Miller
Russell S. Moorehead & Robin K. Marshall
John J. Morsch*
Stephen P.* & Susan M. Munson
Dale & Louise Murdock
Mary D.* & Howard B.* Nelson
Arlene A. Nicholls
Gilbert T. & Claudia D. Olsen
Theron C.* & Selma A.* Olsen
Kenneth P. & Renee J.* Olson
Julie B. & Curt J. Owens
Page Investment Co
Vera L. Palmer*
Jerry H. & Nancy R.* Parduhn
John W. & Dottie C. Parson
Scott W. & Allison S. Parson
Alan T. Parsons*
George F.* & Lilly W.* Pearson
Robert L. & Sharen E. Perry
Paul K.* & Doris W.* Peterson
Bryce D.* & Lorraine D.* Pollard
William J.* & Margaret M.* Pope
Edward H.* & Arlene E.* Poulsen
Russell W.* & Veon Price*
Carolyn J. Rasmus
Marian Kathleen Ream*
Donald D.* & Dorothy M.* Reese
Wayne A.* & Madge K.* Reeves
Karen L. Robison
John A. Salisbury*
Theodore N.* & Jennis* Salisbury
Garry R.* & Kay Sampson
Claudette M. & James W. Scott
William R. & Nila P.* Siddoway
Don M.* & Pamela J. Smith
Rodger A. & Marjalee Smith
Wilson W.* & Helen H.* Sorensen
LaVorn G.* & Beatrice R.* Sparks
John L. & Terrill L. Sperry
Wayne B. & D Louise Stark
Walter J.* & Avon P.* Stoll
Keith D.* & Joyce L. Story
Robert M. & Doris C. Stott
Robert L. & Cynthia B. Sutch
Garth J. & Ann C. Swenson
David A. & Kristine B. Taylor
Donna C. & Roy G. Taylor
F. Willis Taylor*
Kenneth D. & JoAnn B. Taylor
Darrell E. & Joan K. Tew
M. Patrice & Wayne L. Tew
Paul and Carolyn Thompson
Clinton J. Tomlinson
Terry L. & Terrie L.* Tomlinson
Roland L. & Darla M. Tooley
Alden B.* & Nancy E. Tueller
Nancy R. & James W.* Turley
Dell R. & Joann T.* Tyler
Fawn Walker*
Gerald H. & Christie C. Walker
Bruce A.* & Terry F. Wallin
Ralph W.* & Helen D.* Wallin
Ralph W.* & Diane C. Wallin
Robert W. Wallin
Scott M. & June L. Warnick
Stephen L.* & Nelda S.* Warnick
Thomas L. & Jodi L. Warnick
Michael G. & Karlene S. Wells
H. Everett* & Kaye M. Wendel
Firle J.* & M LaVean* Wilkins
Jed B.* & Carol C.* Willhite
Boyde G. & Joan G. Williams
Donald J.* & Beth P. Wilson
David K. & Ada S. Wilson
Max* & Majorie R.* Wood
Michael R. & Ruth Anne Wood
Keith W. & Afton L.* Zobell

* = deceased
